Shake the Tree


it is quiet here

The sunflowers bow to the sun

Air breathless

Pause … look at the sky

Leaves lying on the grass

A lizard eating ants

Sweet plums in my mouth,

peaches almost ready to fall

The city is a trap … snap!

I am caught

Travelling from Paradise to Paradise

The infernal lies between

Courage! say the french

Now I understand

One has to shake the tree to taste the fruit

Through the Looking Glass

20150731_171532-1                             Everything is strange she mused in an Alice in the looking glass way.  I am in paradise but I’m not sure if I deserve this. She took a look in the mirror but doubt had crept in, making a mockery of her heart and dispersing the love.  The trees in the garden laughed a little too loudly. Believe in yourself. You are here after all.  Yes make art, purred the cat in the corner. He’s right chimed the  church bells, time is moving fast. So she laughed and she danced and made a little garden. There were hearts in abundance but she planted some more. And they grew and the fragrance forgave her. Then she made art and made love and the cat purred out loud.